Tuesday, June 28, 2011

10. day 27 km (in total 359 km)

<Fladalandet, Tammisaari - Gustavsvärn, Hanko>

This was another great day for paddling! When I woke up at 7:30, when sun was raising, there were no wind at all. At the same spot there were 2 boats in anchor and one of them, M/S Cindy I had seen before. When I started chatting with the owner we noticed we had spent 3 nights in a row at the same place! This night at Fladalandet, yesterday at Stora Fagerö and day before at Lähteelä. What a coincidence! The same route and same schedule... I wish you a very pleasent and relaxing vacation trip, wherever you are heading! Hopefully we'll see some day again...

Crossing between archipelago of Tammisaari and Hanko, no wind at all

The other boat owners had fished perches in the evening and just before I was leaving in the morning they gave me smoked perches. What a kind persons you are, thank you and warmest greetings to you.

When I started crossing towards Hanko, sea was calm and there were no wind at all. What a perfect weather for paddling. I was feeling absolutely great.

After 4,5 hours paddling I reached my destination, Gustavsvärn lighthouse island. I had agreed before with the president of the Finnish lighthouse society that I could spend a night on their lighthouse. Finnish lighthouse society is doing a great job to preserve and renovate old lighthouses, if you are not yet a member, join immediately! I have been working as a voluntary and renovating Märket lighthouse. I have visited Gustavsvärn as well. There were 2 voluntary workers, Tuula and Hilkka welcoming me to the island.

Hilkka and Tuula welcoming me to Gustavsvärn

I was able to do all the "services" I was planning to do here. Charge all of the batteries of equipment, do the laundry and have the sauna and wash myself. Sauna was absolutely fantastic!!! Great work Alpo & co.

Tomorrow I have a long crossing but fortunately weather forecast is showing a mild wind. Now I'm feeling like I would be at home, because I have reached the area which is familiar to me. Earlier I have been paddling at Tammisaari archipelago, visited Gustavsvärn and tomorrow I'm heading to Saaristomeri, where I have been paddling many times already.

My warmest thanks to Finnish lighthouse society for accommodation, Tuula and Hilkka for excellent meals & warming up sauna, Fladalandet boaters for smoked perches and M/S Cindy owners for great company.

The flag of lighthouse society fluttering in the wind

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